Web Fonts

Web Fonts

Fonts with this symbol are integrated on websites using CSS @ font-face. They are available in two formats, WOFF and EOT, to cover most browsers and operating systems.

WOFF or EOT files are supported:
Internet Explorer 6 (EOT) / Internet Explorer 9 (WOFF)
Mozilla 3.6
Chrome 6
Safari 5.1
IOS Safari 5
Android 2.3
Opera mobile 11.1

Web fonts do not work on desktop applications.

The Web font license is issued to the administrator of the site, covering only one domain. For example, a company that develops websites must purchase a license for each Web font website which aims to integrate.

Installation instructions of Web Fonts


Web fonts may be used in any web page as long as the following steps are taken:
1. Place the .eot and .woff files that you received from fonts.gr in a folder under your website's root folder, e.g. /webfonts
2. Add the following statements to your website's main CSS file:
@font-face {
font-family: ΧΧΧΧΧ;
src: url('/webfonts/ΧΧΧΧΧ.eot');
src: url('/webfonts/ΧΧΧΧΧ.eot?#iefix') format('embedded-opentype'),
url(/webfonts/ΧΧΧΧΧ.woff') format('woff');
font-weight: normal;
font-style: normal; }
where ΧΧΧΧΧ is the name of the font.
3. You may now use this font in your CSS normally, as with web-safe fonts, e.g. font-family: XXXXX